Infertility got you feeling like one more piece of bad news might just make you lose your mind?


Welcome To: The Fertility Stress Solution

With Michelle Kapler R.Ac R.TCMP FABORM

Reproductive Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Fellow of the Acupuncture and TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine, Feminist Fertility  Stress and Anxiety Coach 


In this FREE class, you will learn

-what stress actually is

-how it affects your fertility

-myths and truths about stress and fertility

-how you can manage your stress during infertility so you can feel better and just live your life while you're trying to conceive


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The Fertility Stress Solution

Feeling stressed out about feeling stressed out during your fertility treatment process? I've got you.

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Answers to all of your questions about stress and fertility


(do any of these sound familiar to you?)


"Stress" is a common buzzword in the fertility world, but what actually IS stress?
What happens in my body when I'm stressed? How does it affect my fertility?
Does stress cause infertility or make it worse? 
Its pretty obvious why infertility is stressful... but are there any sources of fertility stress that I am not aware of and should be?
What is the best way to deal with stress during fertility treatments?


and more!


Yes I need that info!

Everything you need to know to understand and manage stress effectively  during your fertility treatment process.


In this free class, we will talk about:

-what stress actually is


-how it affects your fertility


-myths and truths about stress and fertility
-how you can manage your stress during infertility so you can feel better and just live your life while you're trying to conceive


Register Now

Meet Your Host: Michelle Kapler

Fertility Acupuncturist, Board Certified Reproductive Specialist, Feminist Mindset Coach


Michelle Kapler is a Registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Fellow of The American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine and Feminist Life Coach.

In her 12 years of clinical practice, Michelle has helped thousands of folks during their infertility treatment process. 

Read more about Michelle

Are you ready to discover the solution to your stress during fertility treatments?


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