46. Comparison

Michelle Kapler
46. Comparison

Comparisons are so common when navigating the infertility treatment process.


Sometimes this looks like going down the rabbit hole on Google or Reddit and comparing other people doing fertility treatments, to your own treatment process.

  •  Do they have the same diagnosis?
  •  What is their treatment protocol and how does it compare to mine?
  •  What results did they get and how do they compare to my results?


Sometimes it is comparing yourself to other people in your life:

  •  My sister is pregnant with her third baby and she is younger than me.
  •  My best friend has a baby shower next week.
  •  There is another cake in the break room at work to celebrate another coworker going on maternity leave.


Comparisons are a natural human tendency, especially when experiencing adversity.

In this episode, we break it all down and then give you some tools to find relief from the pain caused by comparisons.




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